Forum Discussion

Grampy_Marc's avatar
Oct 13, 2014

12 Years ago I did... What do I do now? - Sewer

First of a couple posts I think and I'm going to the experts.
Real World! Real Users!
We've passed our TT w/Bunkhouse to a family with kids and included all the "goodies" to help them out.
Our new TT is fresh and need of stuff. WooHoo WMart and RVW here I come!

1. When I first started with my TT there were only a few options for sewer hoses and connectors. The choices have at least tripled.
What is the popular choice and how are they all different beside $$$

2. I used Odorlos then, for Tank Treatment and think I should continue, but again what is the current thought...

I may be asking Fresh Water (Hose/Filter/Regulater) and Electrical (Power Cord/LED inside and out) questions.

  • I think that they have strengthened the "hooks" that lock the sewer solution to the drain pipe nubbins, but mine broke off due to age, misuse, and material fatigue. If I bought another one I think I would get a short clear length of drain pipe with the hooks/posts on both ends and connect it to the SS with Goop or some other adhesive so that the stress would always be on the drain pipe, not the SS.
  • I use the Sewer Solution device for draining my holding tanks. The principal reason is my trailer has a very low stance - great for towing stability but sometimes the CG sewer hookup is higher than my dump valves. Works as advertised, if not better. Retails for about $110. I've had mine for well over 10 years and it is still going strong.

    Holding tank chemicals - I use a non-formaldehyde formula for the black tank, the sole reason being you may come across the CG that does not permit mixtures with formaldehyde to be dumped into their system.

    Enjoy & safe travels.
  • happybooker1 wrote:
    I have a "Sewer Solution". I bought it with my first RV that had a Black tank in '09. Love it. Store everything in an old duffle bag. Did I mention I love it?!

    yep that's what I used till I broke it, then switched to a macerator pump. there was a post here years back on how to make your own Sewer Solution.
  • I have a "Sewer Solution". I bought it with my first RV that had a Black tank in '09. Love it. Store everything in an old duffle bag. Did I mention I love it?!
  • Hi and welcome to the new world of camping! Our '07 ROO came with the el cheapo stinky slinky, but it lasted us the entire time we had it - 6 years or so. No leaks, no problems. We did make the investment in the clear fitting. Our new TT came with the OEM and it got trashed when the cap came off the bumper and it slid part way out and dragged for a few miles. We stopped at a CW and whatever it was they had on sale was what DH bought....don't see him investing in a high dollar set up, so it's likely mid range. Kept the clear fitting. We also have used Odorlos for years and feel like it does a great job. It was tough to find for a while....CW had it, then they didn't, then they did, but it is available online and also on ebay for a reasonable price. We originally used the blue stuff because that was what we used in our big boat back in the mid 80's, but too many of them have formaldehyde, so we steer clear.

    Definitely the good brass pressure regulator. Some campgrounds have them built in now, but just unscrew yours and stow it. Strongly suggest, and I don't know the true name for this thingy, but you keep it plugged into an outlet and it tells you what the power supply is. We've been known to change over to 50amp when we get too close to the red area on the gauge and it puts us back in safe territory. Usually more crucial in hot weather when all the A/Cs are running.

    You may have a built in black tank flusher. Our Rockwood does and it does a great job and lots easier on the old body than getting down to set up the tornado on the HTT.

    We have added the 50amp adapter with about 12" cord as a standard on board item. Never know when we'll need it. Yes, we have used it several times. Also carry an extra fresh water hose for the same reason.

    Otherwise, pretty much the same as in late summer '06 when we got our HTT. Enjoy and happy camping!
  • Yes, things sure have changed. I never put any chemicals down the drains or toilot. As previously mentioned it is like tossing money down the drain. No need and makes problems for the dumps. We had several close in Oregon due to high fermandahide levels due to just such chemicals. Use a pressure regulator at the faucet before the hose. I do not mess with the wand aproach. I have an internal sprinkler head that I hook up at the dump station. Works much better than the wand and easier on DW or myself. Welcome back and have fun
  • Another Rhino user here. They make a much heavier gauge hose than the cheapies.

    If we stay a few days I don't use anything in the tank. For a week I'll add some blue stuff. Or do a search on the "Geo Method."

    I bought a Watts regulator after the cheap one restricted the water flow too much.

    You can do a lot of reading on LED's. I bought mine from 2011_led on Ebay.
  • I like to add the deodorizer with the breakdown treatment, it leaves a nice smell unlike what you put down the black tank.

    I prefer to use a home made wand to clean out the "stuff" out of the black tank while the wife is inside the unit with the wand and I am checking out the "mess" with a clear 90 angle off the sewer pipe.

    I bought the Rhino sewer hose which came with the screw type fitting which most places have, I later have bought a donut, but rarely used it.

    I also bought the brass water pressure, seemed to be a lot sturdier than the plastic ones, but just my two cents. I also bought a one way value drainer, once I turn off the water, it drains itself....saving me a step to drain the water to relieve the water pressure.
  • Rhino makes a quality sewer hose/fittings......holds up well

    I personally don't buy into using 'treatments'.....just throwing money down the drain.

    If the designed vapor barriers are in good shape/functioning properly then no waste tanks odors can come inside rv.
    I just use water. High liquid to stuff ratio and no issues.
    If you have odors inside then something is broken.find it/fix odors.

    Same for dumping.....I can't smell it when dumping either because the connections/fittings/hoses have seals.

    Fresh water......
    Get a decent adjustable water pressure regulator and use it.
    The PEX plumbing is good for over 100# but the connections/fittings are suspect.
    Have seen high water pressure at CGs ......regulator takes care of that concern.
    50# is good all round for use.

    Filter....the in-line ones work OK but can limit gpm.
    Canister ones are easy to set up and you can choose filtering medium.