RoyB wrote:
Sounds like the TROJAN T1275's
Sure why not...
Just be mindful when you add batteries to your setup you may have to increase the DC current specs on your built-in converter/charger unit. Also it works much better if the converter/charger unit is a smart mod type...
I personally would rather have 12V batteries for my battery bank but cost is the issue to me. The GOLF CART world allows the 6V batteries to be sold at a very reasonable price as compared to what a 12VDC Deep cycle Battery will cost you...
Like you are seeing, the one 12V battery will give 155AHs capacity. It will take two Golf cart GC2 batteries in series to give you around 12VDC at 220AHs for a total cost of appx $150 for the two 6V batteries... It will be very hard to find a 12V 155AH near that cost... How much is the 12V 155AH Battery costing you now...
Roy Ken
The battery is 165.00,
Sounds like I'll be ok with grabbing a cheaper battery for the rv.