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PapillonOne's avatar
Jan 02, 2015

1972 Shasta Compact Refrigerator Thermostat Questions

I bought this travel trailer and was not able to confirm how well the fridge worked prior to purchase. It has a Dometic Refridgerator (sp?)propane and electric type. I found the thermostat cover was off along with the little knob that turns it in the kitchen drawer! :(

I put them back on but find that when the fridge is on electric, (haven't tried the propane yet) and have the dial turned all the way to the left as far as it will go the fridge is still showing a temperature of anywhere from 10 to 25 degrees though that is with no food in it yet. Anyone know if that is normal?

Also the dial does not want to stay on the has a little extra opening where it goes over the thermostat stem but that opening does seem to want to fit or work to actually move the thermostat, not sure what I am doing wrong there as it does not look broken.

Also, I took pictures of this but do not know how to post them to my question. Can anyone help me with that as well? Thanks so much.

  • I was the one who used the zip ties so the plate would stay on and for expedience - I didn't have any of the right size screws and they held it fine without interfering with the dial or thermostat's movement.

    Yes, I am saying when the thermostat is turned to the warmest setting the fridge temperature is 10 to 25 degrees when I open the door. I have been finagling with it and have finally gotten the knob to seat on the spindle better than previously and I think I turned it down further (I hope) I'll let you know tomorrow if it made a difference.

    In the meantime, does anyone know if an empty fridge, in fact, would allow the temperature to be colder since there's nothing in the fridge to absorb the energy?

    And to answer the other question, this does appear to be the only adjustment that can be made short of switching the fridge to run on gas or electric.

  • It also looks like somebody zip tied that thermostat on there. It was not that way from the factory. No zip ties in 1972.

    Is that the only adjustment you can see? Some of those old fridges had one adjustment for gas and one for electric.
  • Here are the two photos that came out okay, hope they help.

    sorry it isn't real clear so you can see the area where it would meet up on the stem

    The other photos were too blurry but hopefully this gives an idea. I am taking the temp using a refrigerator thermometer. I used it in my house fridge and it seems to work well.

    I can turn the stem using a pair of vice grip pliars but at the warmest setting is when I see the 10 - 25 degrees inside the fridge (and that is with nothing else in there.)

  • Use this to post photos........Photo link

    Where are you getting temp readings and what are you using to measure temps with?