JIMNLIN wrote:
op asks wrote:
Do you guys think that wheels spacers would be a good addition to the truck for towing? my reason for asking is that, unlike a big pick up truck or some other SUV's, the wheels base is fairly short and i wonder if widening the track would help for the truck to be a little more stable. I have access to some wheels spacers for a great deal and would widen the truck track another 2 and a half inches or more.
Wheel spacers are a very bad idea when adding them to a tow vehicle that will be carrying a load. The spacer moves the weight out away from the hubs face which adds more bearing stress and lug stress.
Oh sure someones DRW may come with spacers but they were OEM.
Ok gotcha, i understand the stress on the bearings, i guess no matter what you add stress to those bearings when adding spacers so that would make sense.
Carluvr wrote:
Craigslist and Ebay can be your friend in your situation (I've been there too!) I've bought several brand new brake controllers for different vehicles from RV Stores that advertised on Craigslist because they were trying to clear out their inventory. Also, YouTube can be really helpful for getting information on how things work as well as procedures for repairing/replacing older parts. Good Luck!:)
I have been checking out craigslist quit a bit but it seems to be slow in my area, but i will keep checking it out for sure! I will look at YouTube as well, i am about to purchase the wiring kit (most likely from etrailer.com) and a brake controller (looks like Prodigy2) and i wll be installing those myself. I need to get his truck figured out so that i can get ready to tow. I will also be buying mirror extentions for my mirrors. i am also thinking about a weight distribution system as well, but i am a little worried budget wise vs the use of the trailer and how far we will be going on our first trip. we will most likely be within 150 miles the first time out so i might do without, see how the towing is and if we really don't like the way it tows and want to go futher away in the future then i will purchase it.
Please keep the opinions and suggestions coming, it helps!
Thank you for your time guys.