Oh i figured it out, some setting in my preferences was off. Only I could not see the pictures.
A couple reasons for window removal.
1- Cold, It gets really cold here in Alberta and this is our ski camper. So we will basically only use it from November to May. Our last camper had the window in and was a huge heat loss. I would have closed it in if we had kept it for another year.
2- Rocks. Lots of rocks looking for windows to smash in the winter, especially while driving through mountain passes.
As I said above it is our ski camper, so part of the gutting is also to be sure that there is enough insulation to keep us warm. Already I can't wait to try it in the cold, it has allot more and better insulation then the old Valley Camper we had.
Today I finished rebuilding and glassing in one of the rear jack mounts. Way stronger then factory now! A little sanding later on and it'll be good as new, and not a gloppy mess that it was before

The 2x6 should be much better to mount the jacks to. it was a sad little bit of plywood before. The other side already has a 2x6 in there