uriedog wrote:
How long can you run without charging? The truck camper I had the last 2 winters had a gravity furnace no power required. I have a spare, might look at installing it into this camper and just pull the forced air.
I have a small 40 watt solar panel I am going to do some testing with in the fall. Just don't want to have to deal with generators, or dead batteries in the middle of the night. And want to be able to run more then 3 days with no charging. Allot of our winter camping is un-plugged.
In -30 I can get through a night with no problem, then the batteries get charged when driving as I don't stay in one place more than a night in the winter. The gravity furnace would be great to have to save on power, maybe get a 12V fan for moving some air if you need to defrost things. If I remember correctly Pianotuna did a power requirement breakdown about how much solar was needed for my set-up and came up with 120W minimum would be required to recharge after a night of running the furnace (may have been more). This also depends on the temperature of the batteries.
A vented catalytic heater would be a good choice as well, lots of heat and no or very little power.