Thank you to all, this is a lot of great info.
So in the end the tow vehicule is equiped with the Z82 towing option(thereis a cooler of some kind there) with a GT4 rear end(3.73:1 ?)Factory hitch.
The reason for wanting to be on the safe side of things, even towing a relatively small TT, is that we usaully go lond distances(2013 netted a 41 day 11500km raod trip that lead us from Montreal to
San Diago via Nashvill and the Louisanna gulf coast.
Some hairry monents through the rockies(I10) and I40 on the way back.
Just want 2 be safe this time to Northern California.
I do plan on: trans temp gauge- remote trans filter( spinn on ) synthetic oil.Frequent engine oil changes(2000-3000mi.)
Just wondering if the engine oil cooler is overkill?
More info please