Thank you,
I was expecting that the engine oil cooler was a bit much for the weight.
Incidently, as a follow up to my post, the z82 hitch is square tubing, I'm thinking '99 and up were round.
In 2013 I did frequent oil change(and filter) + a bottle of Lucas( was so much cheaper in the US)mainly because I was keeping the engine rpm between 2750-3000 all day((avrage 7-8hrs)every day we were on the road and thought it was over working the motor a bit, it sure wasnt your typical Sunday drive.
If we do this again, I'd probably do the same thing.
The remote filter for the trans was an idea i had after showering with warm trams fluid last year on my MH. It cost little( filters are about $20) and eliminate's the need to drop the pan a couple times a year.
Thank you to all that chimed in.