tatest wrote:
Whatever works for you. I wouldn't do two of the same thing at the same place, but two different places, yes. Sticks and bricks snowbirds do it all the time. My brother duplicates at Michigan and Florida homes everything he can't carry on themplane or ship UPS. I have a friend with five homes in two countries, what she can't carry with her is replicated at each location.
But it is a sort of funny question to be asking in a forum where the mindset tends toward "everything I need, I carry with me everywhere I go."
Not everyone has the same mindset. I have 2 RV's at my seasonal site. One stays on site and is very hard to get in & out. I have a second for guests and if I want to go somewhere else (plan on taking it to Yellowstone & Glacier). I have less money tied up in the second trailer then some people spend on a vacation. For me it works great (I don't have to tow 1800 miles) for others the may see no benefit.