When I had my trans serviced at my local shop this week I ask the cost to rebuild my trans and was told it would be close to 5k and better than new. Mine has 152k on it now and am hopping for a lot more before rebuild.
x2 agree
I am having a master rebuild kit including front and reverse band, additional clutches, all new solenoids, shift kit, valve body recalibration kit, upgraded torque converter and a couple of other upgrades for around $2000 includes remove and replace
great deal!!
forget the "big guys" just go to local shop (find a good one... word of mouth... history) get a price on rebuild, tell them what your doing (pulling heavy load) ask for a triple disc TQ and GM pressure governor(it will take more pressure the Dodge press gov will) as for billet input/output shafts... not necessary. Mine was built by local shop been in business for 25+yrs builds his own Torque convertors... he has built many race tannys and pulling trannys. Mine according to him is good for 1000hp... as long as flex plate will take it ;)