Yeah i was working there at the time as a mechanic time and i had talked to the new car guy about pricing out a 6.7L the cheapest bare bones one he could find was 40K way out of my price range. Then one day at lunch he pulled up with that and i asked him on the spot he said IDK prob 10K or less i said sweet then he said he got it down to 7750.00 out the door i said done and thanks.
i asked why they only gave him 6K on trade in he said "Dude its a 16 year old truck"......yeah but everyone loves the 7.3's feel bad for the guy but the new car guy said him and his wife are retired and have 15...yes 15 cars and trucks and they were down sizing thats why he traded this in. im happy about it. It defiantly spent life in the Michigan winter roads/salt and sat out side the body is rusted out already but everything else seems fine.
Yes they are very loud. i find the ride isnt to bad. Yes the turning radius is awful. lol. first time backing my 5th wheel up had a buddy as a spotter he yells out "Cut it back"...i yell "Its been cut back for the last 10 feet"
Thanks for the tire suggestion ill check them out!