Me Again wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
larry barnhart wrote:
I feel the same and Cummins 12v98.
Thanks for the support!
I would not tow anything in the mountains with a diesel and automatic of that vintage without an exhaust brake. Diesels just free wheel going do a grade and the I-6 Cummins seems to do this free wheel more than the V-8s.
YUP real experience from a 4 speed auto CUMMINS owner. I had my PacBrake stick and it scared the SH!T out of us towing 20k combined with the 98 2500 RAM auto, this was going down Ashland Pass 6% grade. 5-6 k less ain't gonna make a big difference, you will still be riding the brakes. I want my brakes cool when I need them.