Forum Discussion

ivbinconned's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 06, 2013

2006 Dodge tie rod /09 upgrade

A year ago I bought this truck (196,000 kl) and immediately rebuilt the front end. Unfortunately for me the shop was unaware that Dodge dealers have been doing an 09 upgrade in these trucks. The 09 upgrade parts are much heavier and a bit different in design.

I am not happy with the way this truck handles on the highway. Would I notice an improvement with the upgrade?
  • Go to the TDR website plenty of info on it . I upgraded all the parts yes they are larger and better than the originals and the truck handles much better so those that call BS don't know what this upgrade is all about. Do the upgrade and enjoy it those that are ill informed get informed before calling BS.
  • Now you're generalizing...Your thread was specific in mentioning Tie Rod...nothing more nothing response was directed to that. If you want a course correction, first start by re-reading your own thread.
  • Artguys... it has been said that wise men are often in doubt but fools are always dam sure of themselves!

    Perhaps it is you that needs to do more research.

    The local Dodge dealer since 2009 has always installed the "09 upgrade" on older trucks. Refusing to replace with original type parts. It was the dealer that pointed out my mistake in installing original type parts!

    Back to my question. Even though my linkage is fairly new and tight would I notice an improvment when driving on bumpy highways and roads.

    I find this truck more tiring to drive on long trips than my 1982 GMC Crew Cab!!
  • Sorry artguys, you're wrong on this one. It's a common upgrade/mod discussed on pretty much any and all Dodge/Cummins boards. Google Dodge Steering Upgrade for as many links as you may care to peruse.
  • Your'e talking about NASCAR and using that as a example???? And for what you did that isn't what the op was talking about...a tie rod end, by the way mnfgs hardly ever change unless major re-congfigs/redesigns are in order. You can now retort, but beware at some point you'll have to defend your knowledge base other than the drivel you just handed out.
  • artguys wrote:
    I'm calling BS on both the OP and the following post...Vehicle manufacturers rarely change steering linkage the OP states...if someone gave you this info within the industry then shame on that person. Much heavier""" come on now. And for transamz9, stop please....First all vehicles should be set as close to origianal specs as possible. There is no such thing as can tighten or lossen response...where do you people get this stuff.

    Right....... So NASCAR mechanics never make any changes to race cars all weekend to make them handle better?

    And I installed the 1998 heavy duty steering option my 2002 RAM. The conversion changed the steering from a "Y" type to a "T" type.

    Maybe you missed your morning cup of coffe this morning?
  • I'm calling BS on both the OP and the following post...Vehicle manufacturers rarely change steering linkage the OP states...if someone gave you this info within the industry then shame on that person. Much heavier""" come on now. And for transamz9, stop please....First all vehicles should be set as close to origianal specs as possible. There is no such thing as can tighten or lossen response...where do you people get this stuff.
  • ivbinconned wrote:
    A year ago I bought this truck (196,000 kl) and immediately rebuilt the front end. Unfortunately for me the shop was unaware that Dodge dealers have been doing an 09 upgrade in these trucks. The 09 upgrade parts are much heavier and a bit different in design.

    I am not happy with the way this truck handles on the highway. Would I notice an improvement with the upgrade?

    The handling problem is more than likely the lack of proper alignment. The upgraded parts are just stronger. You can't just align with-in specs. The get the best alignment you need to find someone that knows what they are doing so you can tell them the type of driver you are and what you like as far as handling. If you had ball joints put in make sure they were not damaged during installation. Very common problem from techs that don't pay attention.

    Alignment is not just to make it wear the tires good or run straight. You can tighten response or loosen it. Make the steering wheel feel real light or real tight. You can make it follow the road or not.