Forum Discussion

TheBalls's avatar
Aug 10, 2016

2007 Jayco Jay Feather 19H

We have been thinking about a hybrid, and there is a 2007 Jay Feather 19H in our neighborhood for $8500. It looks really clean and well taken care of, far better than I would have expected.

Has gas/electric deluxe fridge/freezer
15k BTU AC
Duel LP tanks
New battery and 5 new tires
12' awning

Im interested in the quality/durability of this particular brand for those of you who own or previously owned one of these. Im also curious what everyone thinks of the price.

  • The 19H is a nice layout.... no slide, but that keeps weight down. Like the others, look for any signs of water leaks. Like the Kiwi before, if the trailer was not maintained properly, they were prone to water leaks. Where the front and rear fiberglass panels meet the rubber roof, there is a strip ofcaulking running side to side. Over time, if not maintained, the caulking cracks, allowing the flood waters to enter. Get up on a ladder, look at the caulking. Another area of concern is the roof A/C. There are 4 bolts that need to be snugged up from time to time.... if not, the foam gasket allows water to get thru. Go inside and look up at the ceiling/wall in the upper storage shelves in the front and rear look for any type of bubbling. Also, look at the linolium floors, if the linolium is dark in areas, good chance there ismoisture underneath, that includes storage areas. Other than that, the Jayfeather is a great trailer, and to me, if a trailer hasbeen well taken care of, it may be worth spending the extra. Whn i sell mine, they are usually a bit more than others, but the way i take care ofthem, the difference is well worth it...... this one may just be that kinda trailer
  • we have a kZ and we would consider this camper an upgrade - I covet our neighbor's Jayco Jayflight. Very nice and dual axle. easy enough to check out the pricing on line to see if this is in line with what people are getting for their units in your area...
  • All the Jayco hybrids are essentially the same beast, just different sizes and floor plans. We in our our 4th summer with our 2013 X20E. Our previous hybrid was an '03 Jayco Kiwi 17a. We had that trailer for 10 years, and got a decent trade allowance for it because of the condition it was in. Jayco makes a solid product and the usual bugs that trailer may have had new are most likely worked out. My beds on either hybrid have never leaked, though our old trailer did develop a small leak on a roof seam where the Dicor dried up and cracked. It was an easy fix and no water damage was done. This is a potential issue on any trailer not just a hybrid.

    Look for evidence of leaks. Not just around the beds, but the roof, ceiling, walls, around windows, etc. If they allow you to, get on the roof and inspect all the seals. Have them open the beds and inspect the bed seal. It should be soft and pliable. If you are serious about this ask them to demo everything for you so you know it works. Ask them what they would fix if they kept it. Most people will be pretty honest about that, especially if it looks well cared for.

    $8500 seems a bit high for a 9 year old trailer that's on the smaller side. Make sure to check the NADA guide. It might be worth every penny they are asking, it might not.

    EDIT: One other thing to add, check the date code on the tires. ST trailer tires should be replaced every 5-6 years regardless of how good they look. If they are in need of replacement or close to it, that might be a good thing to use in haggling.
  • I own a 2011 X19H. I haven't had any issues with it and the build quality seems to be good. I paid roughly 11k for mine a little over a year ago, so at 8500 I think that's a good deal, maybe try to get it for 8k.