Forum Discussion

tlerchba's avatar
Aug 30, 2015

2013 Ford F250, 6.7 Diesel, Suggestions to improve mileage.

Good day.
We own a 2013 Ford F250, 6.7 Diesel, and I am looking for suggestions on what I can do to improve our mileage. In general driving we are getting 11.8 MPG. I haven't pulled my rig with this truck yet so I am unsure what to expect once we do.
Your suggestions and experience would be much appreciated.
Tim Lerchbacker
  • 2x BB_TX's response with my 2012 F350 SRW with the 3.55 rear end towing just under 10,000 lbs...
  • First question would be about your driving habits. I have a 2012 F350 6.7. I am not an overly aggressive driver, but neither do I putter around. The difference in my "normal" driving" and driving for economy (meaning gradual starts, no hard acceleration, coasting up to stop lights/signs, staying under 70 on the highway, etc) is in the order of 2 1/2 to 3 mpg. Mixed driving is about 15. Highway under 70 is about 20. Towing 5er is 10 - 12 depending on conditions (terrain, wind, etc.)
  • I've owned my F350 PSD for a year now. According to the lie-o-meter (which is pretty accurate) Total average mileage is 14 mpg (U.S.). Total driven is 30,000kms with5,000 km's towing and a winter of cold weather and winter fuel.
  • Empty and you're only getting 11.8 MPG????????

    On an F 250??????

    Good grief, I previously owned a 2011 F 350 crew cab dually with the 6.7L diesel and I got a LOT better than that empty. Driving slow at night (58 MPH) I got 20 miles to the gallon once, and could usually average a good 16-17 miles per gallon.

    Somethings wrong with your truck. I'm not mechanical enough to venture a guess, but something is really wrong to get that poor a mileage.

    Or, you've got diesel thieves. :B
  • Somethingmis wrong! That new of a truck should be getting 17 MPG all day. Unless your doing all stop and go city driving. My first gen 6.7L Cummins dually with 4.10 rear end gets 17 highway non towing. Towing my 13,500 pound fiver I see 10.5-11.5 all day.
  • If I do mixed miles 1/2 and 1/2 highway and town I get about 14 empty if I do all in town driving which I seldomely do I get about 12. These big beasts are not much for around town. Empty going down the highway I can get about 17 mpg. Always about 12 towing 5th wheel or 13 or so with the TC. Of course mine is not a Ford but I think they all get about the same around that year.
  • Wait----the mileage is under 12 mpg in general driving? I would have thought the mpg would be more. Mercy!
    Having said that, they sure are good looking rigs.
  • I drive one on occasion for work pulling a goose neck trailer with up to 10K payload and it averages between 9.5 & 10 mpg. empty truck only maybe 12 mpg.