portscanner wrote:
My truck can handle that weight easily. If I were the OP, I would do some serious thinking about the truck he is using. You could easily be exceeding the rating for the axel and tires in the rear by up to 50%!
The tires and rims are not over, and neither are the axles. There is Vision 19.5 rims, with Kumho G rated tires (4500 lbs per tire/rim) on the truck. The truck came from the factory with the heavy duty suspension - the exact same suspension as the F350's of that era (look up the spring codes - they are the same)
As stated for the weight police, I am fine with the load, and have no intention of buying a dually pickup at this time, or visiting Canada. Nor do you know what my finances are like, and whether or not I can afford to do so, and I have no intention of disclosing that information.
Internet hearsay says I'd be busted, others say nope, not going to happen. Please provide absolute proof of this, ie, a copy of the over weight ticket. This especially true when you consider that California licenses all pickup trucks as commercial trucks, with a weight fee that is just outrageous.
And no, I do not want a lecture about how you can't change the GVW of the truck. I do not care, and do not want to hear about it, there are plenty of other threads here to do that in.
My insurance company knows I carry this camper and the previous camper on the truck, and they have never ever issued a letter stating they will not cover me, or denied me coverage for this.