Wolf Creek, by Northwood Manufacturing.
Often, floor plan is a deciding factor. They have versions for an 8' bed and the shorter beds. Same people that manufacture the Arctic Fox, but Wolf Creeks are lighter (thinner walls, less insulation, but 4-season "rated") and less expensive.
The only time I weighed our rig, the rear axle was 5,660 pounds. GVW was 10,200 pounds, which is 200 over the GVWR. This included 3/4 tank of gas, empty holding tanks, both truck occupants (350#), about 70% of our camping gear, dual propane and two batteries (group 27). It's become heavier, I'm certain, plus I tow a 3,000 pound trailer (about 350# tongue weight in addition to the weighed 10,200). I'm comfortable driving it and power isn't an issue. The upper StableLoads are installed and a set of rubber-baby-buggy-bumpers have replaced the factory axle bump-stops. I've considered the lower StableLoads.
No two rigs are the same. Do you lean towards caution, or have faith that ratings have a fudge factor, figured in by the Engineers/manufacturers?