Hey Tim - I have enjoyed the two OXW's and one The first OXE in Asheville this fall, but we are bit sure if we will make it this year in May. I taught one class back in May, and then 4 at the OXE and though I enjoyed doing it we are not wanting to commit again due to our uncertain travel plans. We are trying to reduce the number if times we agree to being ANYWHERE at a specific time :)
A link to the OXE write in TCM is
Here to read about that one (had to add it because there are some photos of our rig in there ;) )
I think it was very much worthwhile going to this event at least once for the whole experience and will certainly consider it again if our travels are such to put us in range of being there but decided to not commit to teaching again (the deadlines are too far in advance.). Make it a part of a larger trip....and it is probably early enough in the season to avoid crowds in the national parks and other attractions along your way.
Have fun, go for it!