I have a new F150 3.5l Ecoboost with a payload of 1900#. With a payload of 1900#, a hitch weight of 1200# leaves you 700#. Me and the missus weigh 400 pounds, leaving 300#. A 100# WD hitch leaves 200#. If yours is a 5er, the hitch weighs even more. A 36 gallon fuel tank on the truck carries 216# of gasoline.
You are over weight and have loaded nothing in the truck for camping.
You are in F250 territory.
That is why I bought a trailer with a GVWR of 6000#, which carries a tongue weight of about 700# to 900#.
As far as your tongue weight, with a 9990# GVWR, you are actually looking at 12% to 15% of that weight on the tongue, or 1200# to 1500#.