SidecarFlip wrote:
kohldad wrote:
IMO - NO! Dry weight of 3373 and that is without any options such as battery, AC, etc. Add water and necessities and you will be looking at a camper weighing over 4500# when ready for a trip. I wouldn't even try to carry that on my 3500 SRW.
You will need to stay with a very light camper, preferably non-basement. First your diesel eats up a lot of payload. Second is you have coil springs which is a double strike because it has coil springs AND they are mounted inside the frame rails. Neither of which work well for carrying a high COG item like a truck camper.
What would be a better thing to do is upgrade to a DRW 35000 and then get the 910DB if that is the camper you think suits you.
Never understood why Fiat-Chrysler went to coils on the medium duty trucks for one and why on earth did they mount them INBOARD, inside the frame rails. Makes zero sense to me. If you desire a Cadillac ride, buy a caddy, not a truck.
My other issue with coils is they have no inherent dampening like a leaf spring pack does so they are hell on shocks.
Must be less expensive to manufacture is all I can think of.
Without getting into the GVW and axle ratings and whether they're legal, safe, made up, whatever, IMO, the only downside of your 2500 WY4x4, is the coil springs. I don't have firsthand knowledge, but others do and it makes sense that the coil sprung suspension is not ideal with high center of gravity loads like a big TC.
That said, if I already had the truck, I would be pretty motivated to make it work. The truck will handle 2 tons riding in the bed, all day, every day, with some upgrades to the suspension (not unlike most srw trucks hauling slide in campers).
A big part of the equation is how "comfortable" you feel with a vehicle that doesn't corner like it used to when empty.
I hauled our (4000lb +) camper on our 2500 short bed with only airbags added to the truck, for alot of miles. Namely WA to AK and all around AK for a summer. I imagine it drove similar to a coil sprung truck. It had a good deal of body roll with the camper on. Again, something that took a bit to get used to.
Adding a rear sway bar and wedging the bottom leaf spring tight made for improved cornering "feel."
I wouldn't throw out the idea of a TC with that truck, even a full size TC.
I would consider what can be done to not only increase weight carrying capability (common to do on most trucks hauling a TC), but which modifications also contribute to less body roll.
1. Biggest sway bar made, for sure. Consider a heavy front sway bar too.
2. Added suspension capacity. Not alot of options for the coil trucks. Standard air bags and Timbren/Sumo springs are about the only options I think. I would be more inclined to use Timbrens, set tight, than air bags. Greater resistance to body roll, IMO.
3. Shocks. This is one application that I could see some large capacity, very stiffly valved shocks being a big benefit. Like Fox/King/Carli type remote reservoir shocks, valved like a brick.
Heavier replacement coil springs would be great, however I haven't seen them on the market. If you could spring the truck like a dually, that would be my first choice, if it's possible.
Just a few thoughts.