Road trip! NO pucks!^^^ I installed the 5th wheel pucks and in bed seven pin plug myself when we bought our 2015 RAM.
And we had a great adventure flying from Seattle to Denver Sunday Sept 20th, 2015 first class with air miles, sales lady picked us up Monday morning at the airport motel and drove us to Greeley/John Elway's RAM to finish the paper work for the already paid for truck and take delivery. 48 hours and two motel receipts we were 1350+ miles back to home with it. We left Greeley at 12:30 Monday and arrived home at 12:30 Wednesday.
They had three identical Laramie trucks in different colors for $64,595. The one we bought was on the web as a lost leader at $53,555. We did not argue about the price. Sold our Boat on Friday and never leaving the bank where the sale was finalized and wired the money for the truck.
Long legged lady loved to cruise a 80 MPH at 1750 RPM on I-80 hour after hour. 409 miles the first afternoon(we drove slow up the Laramie before hitting the interstate), 660 miles Tuesday and 303 Wednesday morning, high five'n each other all the way home. Whoever was in the shotgun seat had to dig into the owners manual when we had trouble figuring something out. We were on a roll, someone saw my post on TDR while traveling home with the new RAM and agreed to purchase our 2001.5 RAM