4x4ord wrote:
Pick up trucks work great to tow 30,000 lb trailers. For light loads like that I will usually leave the big truck parked and use a SRW pick up. However, the tandem dually gooseneck trailer we have is not really built to handle the weight. The axles and suspension need regular repair. I think my next gooseneck will be a tridem dually.
You tow 30k lb trailer on the road for many miles with SRW pickups?
All I am saying that if I had to get a CDL to tow a 30k trailer on a regular basis.
I would rather do it in this...

with a flatbed, than a lighter 3500 pick up.
It is funny how many of the weight police jump on half ton owners for towing something that weighs less than twice as much as their truck saying the tail will wag the dog even though it is within its ratings, but have no problems with a 3500 towing something that weighs almost three and a half times more than it just because their favorite brand rates it that high.