1972 Ford F-250. 1 wheel drive. Without adding traction devises like tire chains and adding weight in the bed it is useless in the snow.

1989 5.0L HO Mustang. 2 wheel drive.
Same thing here but this isn't a truck and isn't capable of hauling a camper.

2011 Chevy 2500HD. 3 wheel drive.
Awesome in the snow just as it is. Just a simple pull on the lever and away you go.

1979 Ford F-260. 4 wheel drive.
Questionable on ice. ;)
The second two are far superior in all off-road situations than the first two.

I would take the truck with 4wd for hauling a camper over a 2wd every time.
Snow or no snow.
Trucks no longer have a 6.32 : 1 first gear so having a low range trumps 2wd every time.