burningman wrote:
The usually-exaggerated story about seeing 4WDs crashed in the ditch all the time is a poor driver issue, not a disadvantage to having 4WD. And it’s not even true in my experience, which includes having been a tow truck driver. I see a lot more 2WDs struggling in snow every winter.
What is the advantage of not being able to drive the front wheels when you want to, besides being a little cheaper to buy the truck?
Could be where you live and what you see compared to others in different locations..
As advantages go...Gas mileage/maintenance and less to break down but on the other hand there are perks for a 4X4 like resale value for one..
And this is not 2WD vs 4WD..It is 2WD with a truck camper vs 4WD with a TC..The added weight makes a big difference as all the 2WD tow trucks could attest to..Highway to Hell has a few 2WD wreckers on the dreaded Coquihalla Highway in BC..They seem to get 'er done chained up..
Without a TC, we all know that a 4X4 surpasses a 2WD in snow and ice and front WD trumps 2WD in the rear because of weight on the power wheels..