Mar 13, 2017Explorer
2wd or 4x4?
Wife and I are in the process of buying a 26-30' fifth wheel and truck to pull it for fulltime use. We plan on doing a lot of boondocking and hitting BLM spots and are wondering if 2WD is enough or...
West6550 wrote:06Fargo wrote:
These folks full time and boondock lots pulling a 5th wheel with a 2WD dual rear wheel truck: Click on these blue words
A dual rear wheel truck with weight is pretty capable. Carry a good portable air compressor like a ViAir so you can air tires way down for flotation if the need arises.
You don't normally "Wheel" a 5th wheel RV over jeep trails to boondock, at least not without your repair shop along to put the trailer back together once you get there...:D
Funny, I actually posted on one of Ray's youtube video to ask him. He said they don't chance it like a lot are saying.
Having a 2wd now I understand the wet grass and other things. I guess the wife and I will just have to just see.
Oh and to the person carrying chains, do your self a favor and carry carpet. Sounds crazy but it works. Toss the carpet down under the tire and pow. You would be amazed how it works.