I have owned both, and will stick with a 4x4. Read a few post ago that someone drove on beach sand with a 2 wheel drive. I don't know how they did not get stuck.... Maybe it was hard packed and no lofty sand they were on. On either u can air down tires and get u in some good places. Regardless when u need it, u really need it. My vote is for a 4x4, even in Florida... Sugar sand is not your friend down here I can tell u that. Been stuck in sugar sand before in 2 wheel drive really easily... I have been a few places with this large camper of mine that u need 4 wheel to get u through. Yes most campgrounds are easy access.... But there are places that I like to go and where a 2x4 won't get you. So it's up to where you plan to use your truck, no I don't lock on 4x4 daily but it's good to know I got it... It has helped me more then once....