Alright... It is a 10 gauge wire. It is wired directly into the positive battery cable. When the fuse is blown, nothing works at all. I couldn't tell if it was wired directly to the slide motor. My camper has a protective underbody... Well, it probably isn't protecting much. It is just basically a corrugated plastic. Nevertheless, it would take more energy than I currently have to remove all of that and take an actual look at the slide motor.
I can absolutely post a wiring diagram. I know where it is in the camper and I will get out there tomorrow and take a picture of it. That will probably help a lot!
I very much appreciate all the help. Just out of curiosity and stupidity I ran the slide in and out 4 times this evening. No problems whatsoever.
I did get to thinking... Someone asked if I had just put the battery under a load before blowing the fuse. After thinking about it, I had used the battery to work the jack so that went up and down a few times as I took off sway bars, disconnected, etc. I also said I had nothing else running when the fuse blew. I was referring to appliances, etc. I did have a couple of the lights on inside the camper. I have no idea if that constitutes a "load" or if it makes one hill of beans, but those are the facts!
I'll get that wiring diagram tomorrow.
Y'all are good people.