I really do appreciate all of the help from y'all...
I think at this point I'm going to leave well enough alone. I've pulled the slide in and out several times in the last couple of days off of battery power only with no problems. It is very possible that I had "too much going on" when I blew the fuses. I had used the jack, had lights on, etc. Maybe that just did it... If it does it again, I'll take the effort to remove the underbody protection and trace the wires to the slide motor. I can look for anything loose, pinched, etc. If that doesn't do it, I'm going to consider it above my pay grade and take it to the dealer and let them wrestle with it since it is under warranty.
If the latter becomes the reality, I will make sure to come back to this thread and update with the problem and subsequent fix in hopes to help some other half-clueless newbie. ;-)
Along with the advice and troubleshooting, I really appreciate the patience. I'm learning as I go... but I'm learning!
Happy Labor Day camping...