What setting did you have your wdh set at? Did you match the tire pressure to the load? Check your rawr including all passengers, full fuel tank and crumpled up Cheetos bag under the seat? Does your insurance company know? Think you're smarter than the engineers that designed the truck?
Fun to see trucks bein worked.
I lost some pics of my work truck a couple trucks ago. The mighty F150!
Noting like you're hauling there but had a few 15klb or so loads. Enough to squat the tires on a 14kgvw trailer. And the factory P245s with 60psi in em.
Ha one was a load of (3) H pile. They were too long and cantilevered the tongue weight off the hitch so I had to pull the tailgate and load them about 4' forward of the front of the trailer deck, sticking into the back of the truck bed to keep the back wheels of the truck down. Had to make firemans turns to not smash the bed from the inside out! In Seattle!