Forum Discussion

rbpru's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 06, 2016

50 mph wind gust..Whee!!

On our trip out West we ran into 20 to 30 mph head and cross winds. I accually turned off the Interstate so I could drive at 35 to 40 mph.

In Las Vegas we decided to sit out a desert dust storm in camp.

Wind has reduced my mileage from a normal of 10 mpg to as low as 7 1/2 mpg, though typically it is closer to 9 mpg.

Today we were traveling due east with a stiff due west wind. The trailing gusting was no worse than a truck bump but the funny thing was the 20 to 30 mph tail wind gave me 12 1/2 mpg.

I doubt that will ever happen again but it made for a fun day.

As they say, "The wind can be fickle."
  • When I asked the lady in Wyoming if it was normal to have 40 mph winds, she replied, "No, usually it is much worse".
  • Well the fickle wind did catch up with us, steady cross wind of 15 to 25 mph in the Texas pan handle. Late in the day as we were nearing camp, the gusts picked up to 50 to 60 mpg. That really gets your attention. Fortunately we did not have too much farther to go.

    Gas milage was about 8 1/2 mpg. thank goodness for $2.00 gas.
  • A head wind when towing is like increasing your speed by the amount of the wind.
    I remember one trip where we had a 40MPH headwind.
    We had to get home so we had no choice but to let the Duramax earn it's keep. 65 MPH = a 105MPH head wind. You could almost watch the fuel gauge drop. It towed great though.
  • quote wrote:
    tail wind gave me 12 1/2 mpg.

    put your awning out , you'll get 15 1/2 mpg .

    have a safe trip :)
  • Today we had wind gusts to 62 mph. Would not have been a good day to cross the state, unless you were going the same direction as the wind.