Not all of us can afford the very best for occasional use, we do what we can. I certainly can't afford the Yammy 4500 for $3000 and near 300 lbs for the few hours a day/ few weeks a year it might get hot where we camp.
Somewhere in a huge 3000w generator thread there is lots of discussion on making the boxes and how effective they are.
Sadly your box could be revolutionary and make it quieter than any, and it wouldn't be enough. Like us, you could camp miles from others or better yet, just never take the generator and it wouldn't be enough, some are just offended by the fact that it isn't a Honda.
My favorite was when I posted my plans to get the solar etc. to make so that we don't need the generator that we ran where no one could hear it. The very next post was someone attacking the generator saying they had a Honda, it was quieter and that they would be knocking on my door demanding that I shut mine off. I told him that he missed the solar part, that it was silent and it may very well be me knocking on his door asking that he shut down his Honda.
His response was well let me know how that works out but in all the years I have never seen him to tell just how wonderful having everything from air conditioning on down silently is.