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c_traveler2's avatar
Sep 22, 2013

7 Bros On The Mojave Road, Conclusion, Day3

7 Bros On The Mojave Road
Day3, Conclusion

March 17, 2013

Day three of our soul charging adventure, our last campsite, posed on the edge of a sandy area, just west of Soda Lake. I watched old Sol sweep away the night sky to present us wandering travelers with a new morning sky rich with yellows, reds and blues.
Full length video of our last day, click on link below photo.

7Bros On The Mojave Road

Wandering around for my usual photographic opportunities, I was able to snap off a couple of good photos of some dune vegetation.

Dune Evening Primrose

Sand Verbena

The crew was starting to get on with the day, waking up to a sun filled morning.

It is our intent to make it through Afton Canyon today and take the route to Manix using the Mojave River bed.

Everyone ready to get going, we head out on a sandy path still in the BLM area and would soon give way to entering the Mojave National Preserve again

Soon we passed a motor home with a trailer, they didn’t pay much attention to us a we motored on by.

Shaw Pass laid before us, it would be a long climb.

Our sandy path gave away to a rocky laden path with scattered Desert Dandelions along the way, as our three behemoths make the slow climb to Shaw Pass summit.

Video, click photo

Motoring up to the edge of the sand dune our carvan would be motoring pass a couple of desert home.

The trail across the sand dune would disappear, covered by pass blowing winds, we made a heading in a general direction for Afton Canyon. Stopping along the way to re-check our bearing and stretch our legs.

It was fun driving on these sand dunes, being able to speed along at a neck breaking 40 mph was breathe taking. Arriving at the Mojave River bank edge, we had to pick along the bank to find a good place to descend into the riverbed.

Tailing were seen nearby from mining operations.

John had found a good spot to descend into the sandy bottom. Making another stop to exaiming some old trail tracks.

Our first train trestle lay ahead and the under crossing would be close.

Video photo, click on pic

Traveling up Mojave River bed, it was long before surface water showed up as well as a couple of hikers.

Blm had change the route from the river bed to alongside the train track awhile back and we come to our first real water crossing. This would help in washing the under carriage free of the Soda Lake caustic debris that coated our under carriages.

Photo video, click on pic

After another water crossing, passing Afton Campground, more running alongside the train tracks, our group descended back to the Mojave River bed.

Everyone was hauling buns once we hit the sandy riverbed, three truck campers zipping along doing fifty miles per hour. It would be a fast run to Mannix Wash and the way out, but not before a lunch stop.

After lunch, it was a rather short jog to the way out of Mannix Wash and another ten minutes to the I-15 frontage road where we all pumped our tires back for asphalt travel.

Mojave Trail was done and we all are glad to have done it, saying our goodbyes, we each headed to our homes with dreams of more adventures.

Thanks to everyone for following along.

  • At lunch under the shade did you happen to have any Grey Poupon Mastard with you?
  • Mojave National Preserve is one of my favorite local places to go.