Forum Discussion

dragonflyspit's avatar
Dec 01, 2019

'83 Toyota pickup start trouble in cold, wet weather

It starts with just a couple of pumps all summer, and it was starting well even in freezing weather during our freakishly dry autumn, but when the rain returned last week, it began giving me a lot of trouble.

I had already replaced plug and coil wires a couple years ago, so I know they aren't the issue. Toyota forum threads on similar issues most often blame a bad coil or distributor cap. That makes perfect sense to me except that I can get mine to start with a shot of starting fluid. If It's lack of spark or weak spark due to moisture in the distributor, how would starting fluid help?

Because I'm poor as a church mouse; I don't get around repairs as easily as I once did, and it's cold as a well-digger's @$! out there, I'd really like some insight into this before I start pulling things apart.

Thanks in advance.
  • wd40 will help. but go out at dark and watch for sparks jumping. hold a screw driver on the spark plug wire and see if it jumps.
  • Does the engine leak oil? Does not take much oil to hold dirt. And the dirt will hold water. On the High voltage parts, a little oil/dirt/water will short the spark to ground. Remove cap and wires, use the starting fluid to clean them, let dry. Low cost to try.
  • ^Good suggestions.
    And since the OP is not a mechanic, I’ll stress, let the ether evaporate Completely before cranking it over! If not and you do have any arcing you’ll know it immediately!!

    This could very likely be a combination of issues as well. We don’t know how well the truck has been maintained. 37 years old is an antique. My ‘74 Jeep, all original stock starts and runs Complete tune up, points, new fuel pump, rebuilt the carb.
    Ran like schitt before I did all that.
  • Also, how fresh is the fuel? Is this a daily driver or only run occasionally?
  • 2oldman wrote:
    You actually tow with this?

    Is this a pertinent question to the diagnosis of the man's issue with his truck or just playing forum poolice?
  • More info would help

    How does it run after it finally starts ?

    If it then runs as before, then most likely fuel delivery during the starting fluid only lasts a few seconds and the regular fuel system takes over

    If it runs poorly after it starts, then add ignition area to the suspect list

    Then more complexity things, but gotta know how it runs after the starting fluid
  • Grit dog wrote:
    2oldman wrote:
    You actually tow with this?

    Is this a pertinent question to the diagnosis of the man's issue with his truck or just playing forum poolice?
    Little of both. Doesn't matter.. he's gone.