I inspected the axle vent and it's in perfect working order. The hose was probably replaced when they overhauled the differential as it looks brand new. Also, it's a little wet around the pinion seal. I suspect that's weeping a bit..and for now I just don't care. It had synthetic oil in it. I know on my old Harley EVOs I was told time and again not to use synthetic fluids in the older, pre-twin cam, engines as it would cause leaks. Now I'm running dino 80-90 in the differential. I'm going to monitor it over the next months and see how it goes. I hate replacing a pinion seal and, I hate paying someone to do what I can do but, don't want to do. It's a quandry. My plan is to pay off my wife's van and replace the old suburban anyway. Besides, adding gear oil is quick and easy (and cheap).