Forum Discussion

azrving's avatar
Jun 25, 2018

A good guy has passed

Not sure if I should post this here but Doug Begley has passed. Others may have also read his blog as he traveled between Illinois and Wellton Az in his Four Wheel TC. He was a good writer and posted helpful articles. RIP Doug

Strolling Amoke
  • Godspeed to Doug and his entire family. and Good for him for being able to leave this world doing what he loved, and in peace.

  • A captivating story. Thanks for the peace. I now feel like I've know Doug Begley forever. During Compline, our chanting good night to God, we chant this phrase which is the heart of it: "Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit" sometimes in Latin: "In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum"
    He was a lucky man to have a family like yours. And you are correct: his memorial service is for the living.
    special regards, jefe
  • A moving and heartfelt story. Thank you for sharing.

    Peace be with you and yours.

  • Very touching and sad to loose a fellow wanderer. Thank you for the post!