blt2ski wrote:
ah64id wrote:
blt2ski wrote:
Along with the doorsticker and manufactures ratings are typically NOT legal numbers Leo's enforce. So to a degree why worry about door sticker numbers.
As long as you know what other, higher, ratings are for the components then go for it. If the RAWR on the sticker is the same as from the mfgr then I wouldn't push it...
ANY and ALL ratings are for warranty purposes only. The weight cops in shacks along the freeways, and portable units in typically vans, DO NOT CARE, what the door sticker or manufacture ratings are. They only care about HOW MUCH paid tax/gvw/registration you have paid for. Along with are you under what the road/bridge/highway you are driving for, is designed to carry load wise from your tires!
I've been pulled over, way over, ala 150% of one of my trucks door sticker. NO overwieght ticket! I was over my paid for registration, I got a 10 day up my gvwr by 2000 lbs, send in the post card with my name signed on it that I had done so....otherwise, LEO said have a nice day!
I've been pulled over and weighed over a manufacture gcwr. All LEO cared about was that I again, had the correct PAID for registration, and I was under the road bed design limits per axel/tire.
THere were other things that I got hit for at times. But weight was never an issue, nor will it be if you the reader of this stays under a manufacture limit on a light duty truck. Now IF you have a type A or C motor home, with a RA that is rated higher than 20K single or 34K combined in tandem, and you are over the 20K/34K tandem.....well guess what, You will be ticketed for being overwt per the road bed design limits. Manufactures ratings be danged!
Absolutely, in terms of legality. I run above my door sticker GVWR and RAWR on most camping trips.
I was talking about the pure strength of an item. I am not going to load a 5000lb rated axle, by the mfgr, to 7000lbs just because I legally can. The door sticker number doesn't mean as much to me as the actual design rating.
There comes a point when legal doesn't mean smart. That point comes much quicker on a 1/2 ton than a 3/4 or SRW 1 ton.