blt2ski wrote:
ah64id wrote:
Absolutely, in terms of legality. I run above my door sticker GVWR and RAWR on most camping trips.
I was talking about the pure strength of an item. I am not going to load a 5000lb rated axle, by the mfgr, to 7000lbs just because I legally can. The door sticker number doesn't mean as much to me as the actual design rating.
There comes a point when legal doesn't mean smart. That point comes much quicker on a 1/2 ton than a 3/4 or SRW 1 ton.
NOW someone is talking in the terms they should about ratings. TOo many say if over, the LEO that pulls them over will be sending them to jain etc. That is wrong. BUT from a strength, how long it will last standpoint, the ratings should be followed.
Tires in reality have in many cases 2 ratings, normal freeway speeds, and speeds under 25 mph. The under 25mph in the fine print, you can load to 50% more than the sidewall. Similar to the P rated tires on trucks and trailers need to be derated by 9-10% or there abouts.
How one uses a rig should determine the longevity of an item.
Yep. My M608z's can go up 9% without a pressure change below 40mph, not sure what the wheels would think of that thou.

I know the components of my truck and know what I can load to.
Door Sticker
FAWR: 5200
RAWR: 6200
GVWR: 9900
What I will actually load to.
FAW: 5200 (weak link)
RAW: 9000 (Wheel limit)
GVW: 12,200 (max frame received from Dodge)