djgarcia wrote:
Dennis Smith wrote:
We have had AAA auto club for years for the cars, truck. Just signed up for the RV service. Anyone out there have it and are they happy with it? We have always been happy with AAA and I hope the RV service will be the same. We have the PLUS so we are covered for up to 100 miles, which out west 100 miles is nothing between service. Please let me know if your happy or sad about AAA RV Plus.
The best way to answer your question is to do a side by side comparison of 2 or 3 EMRS service policies: Good Sam, coach net, and AAA. Based on what I have read from various posts from this are my concerns and observations:
1. AAA primary business or focus is not providing RV Emergency Road Side Service.
2. AAA EMRS service is not universally consistent from area to area and state to state.
3. check and compare the various limitations of each policy.
I'll go with what djgarcia said about comparisons. However, there isn't any way to conduct a blind study. After saying what you should do, he posts his negative opinion about AAA. He didn't provide an analysis of AAA, GS and CoachNet, or any other service policies. Just as he does say, it's just his concerns and limitations.
I have AAA RV Plus and have been an SCAC member for over 50 years. My PERSONAL experience has been very good, djgarcias opinion is from reading about someone else's experience. The other two carriers mentioned may be fantastic, but honestly, I have no first hand experience with them and cannot form any concerns from other folks complaints.
Maybe dj ought to do a spread sheet and compare the complaints and kudos.