Buzzcut1 wrote:
compare AC power specs then look at the Honda running output of 1600
You might have a hard time with the 11.5 start up amp draw and the 2000
To the OP sign man......The above quote is the type of advice that you need to listen to. Some of the comments that are on this thread come from people that don't have a TC with a Polar Cub 9200 that is powered by a Honda 2000.
I have a Arctic Fox 811 w/ slide-out and it has a new Polar Cub 9200 and is powered by my 10 yr. old Honda 2000. The PC 9200/Honda combo works perfectly and I have used it at 8200' elev. in the Bighorn mountains this past summer in Wyoming. The 11,000 BTU AC is overkill for most TCs. Bigger is not necessarily better in the TC application.
I've used this combo in 98 deg. heat and it is a proven setup by myself and many others, plus the 9200 is only 10 in. tall above your roof.