I guess I understand what you are asking for. Why can't you just add a new circuit breaker in a spare hole in the 120VAC Distribution center. My WFCO 120VAC distribution center has five large holes for 120VAC breakers.
This has one standard large size 30AMP breaker for the MAIN and then eight half size breakers could be used in the remaining four holes.
Just wire in a half size 120VAC 20AMP circuit breaker from LOWES and wire this directly to your dedicated 120VAC 20AMP receptacle.
If you don't have any available 120VAC breaker slots check with BLUE SEA Marine Electrical products on-line. They have 120VAC distribution panels in various sizes...
You may still run into tripping breakers somewhere however as you only have a 30AMP Service coming from the pedestal. Doesn't take many 120VAC appliances to max this out. I know sometimes I will trip the pedestal breaker if the Air Conditioner is on and the hair dryer gets turned on at the same time.
What I do to get around these problem is to run a separate HD 120VAC extension cord into the trailer from the unused 20AMP connection on the camp ground pedestal. The 20AMP service connection is on its own circuit breker in the camp ground pedestal. This keeps the high current appliances like the space heaters etc away from the 30AMP Service shore power connection..
Roy Ken