Forum Discussion

Reality_Check's avatar
Oct 05, 2019

Adding built in USB ports

Hate all the cords; hate AC to USB charging adapters and then having to be plugged in to get them to work. Hate climbing into the one cabinet that has a 12v charger... Fact is, our life is using more and more of these things. Our flash lights and headlamps charge on them. Our phones, my MyFi, our bluetooth speakers, etc.

Installed this a couple of months ago. Love it. Simple, clean, and very much uncluttered (as much as cords can be). Wrestled a bit with the 'where', but came to the conclusion that ease of install along with being easily accessible was the driving factor. Wanted it fused, so the end location was a snap decision.

Standard remodel box after cutting the hole:

Had room for another fuse:

Routing wires was a breeze:

And the finished job:
  • kohldad wrote:
    Do you have a part number for the usb outlet? Was wondering how thin it is because I would love to put one on the bottom side of a cabinet but only have 3/4" once I cut the hole.

    Everything I've seen is 1.5" or more. You can use a surface box if sticking out several inches is OK.
  • Kohldad-Legrand wiremold surface mount boxes would work 1, 1 ⅜ or 1 ¾ " deep- most hardware stores.
  • Do you have a part number for the usb outlet? Was wondering how thin it is because I would love to put one on the bottom side of a cabinet but only have 3/4" once I cut the hole.
  • Excellent job!
    I can tell you have done wiring in the past, you used a large receptacle box. :)

    Thanks for posting.
  • I put one by my radio & TV using the same 12V. Most of my circuits are very far under their fuse capacity so adding a few USB wont' harm anything. I put 2 more the bed sides. My bedside lights have a switch so they have 12V as well.
  • Nice...
    I have the same problem, charging station...

    I'll take a closer look at it, right now just using an adaptor... sort of limited though...

    I'm not an electrician, so turning on a light switch is my expertise level..
    But I like the idea..
  • Nice! I did a similar thing.
    I’m also gonna replace my front cabover bed reading lamps with ones that have a USB charging port built into them.