We have not owned the double but we had an air elements single of the same line. Air elements make more than one style. We cruised on our boat in the Caribbean for six months with that boat and a couple of hard shell sit on tops. I was leary initially of the paddling ability of an inflatable but was pleasantly surprised. It paddled much better than expected and was very stable. We even did some mild surfing in it. I am a big guy, 6'4" and 240 lbs and it floated and fit me well. The price is reasonable and the quality was certainly acceptable for the price range. I guess the question is really how avid a paddler are you? We paddle a lot and to me it just did not compare to a hard shell. The other issue we had with it was drying out. We travel for extended periods and unless we were just packing up for a couple days we wanted to dry it out which was not always convenient. With all the nooks and crannies it took more than a day to dry out. Owning one of these can certainly be validated for some but for us it was not worth the sacrifice so we sold it when we returned to the states.