Forum Discussion

Second_Chance's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 30, 2014

Aftermarket seat cushions

At 61 with some back problems, seat position, back support and comfort are always important to me in a vehicle. The leather seats with adjustable lumbar support in our new 2013 Sierra 2500HD SLT D/A are quite a bit better than the seats in the 2005 Tahoe were, but I still have to stop every few hours and walk around or my tailbone starts hurting like he!!. (Of course, at my age my bladder range isn't nearly as long as the fuel range on the diesel truck, either, but that's another topic...) Anyway, I'm thinking about something with gel in the seat and full coverage - no sharp "ledges" at the front to cut of circulation in the legs. I suspect long-haul truckers might put some serious money into something like this, but so far all I've found is this:

Amazon link

At $200 it's only slightly more than the Du-Ha bin for under the back seat was, but if my wife gets jealous and wants one, too, that's $400. Has anyone had any experience with this product or one like it? Am I just being a tightwad (keep it civil, please)? Other suggestions?


  • My wife and I also have back problems and the heated leather 10 way seats in my '09 2500 LTZ are the most comfortable seats I have ever sat in.

    That said, if you have tailbone issues have you looked into those "donut" cushions? They are made for tailbone problems since they keep the weight off the tailbone.
  • I have a history of lower back problems and my coccyx suffers when sitting for any length of time. At work, the chairs are not the best for comfort.

    It would get that after 1/2 to 1 hour of sitting, when I went to get up, I would experience sharp, severe pain in the coccyx area...something that I had to just push through. No way around it.

    One of my friends had a similar problem several years ago and went to a medical supply company here in town and picked up a wheelchair pad. Turns out that a lot of the city bus drivers purchased them for use while driving.

    I ordered one last fall and am very glad that I did so. In the chair at work, I can go over 2 hours without a problem. In my 2007 F150, my bladder has prevented me from seeing how long I can go.

    The cushion is made with a dry polymer, so that if it gets punctured, there is no liquid leaking out. These are made for wheelchair patients who can use their feet to move about, so are not that thick. In the chair or truck seat, it does not change heights and angles all that much.

    Action Centurion 5200-2

    That price is about as good as it gets. You may be able to find a little lower, but can definitely find it for a higher price.

    I did not order from that company, but another in North Carolina that I did not see when I did my search. The price there was $92 including slow shipping.

    Good luck and happy sitting.