Forum Discussion

Reit38's avatar
Jul 31, 2018

Age old 1500 vs 2500 debate

Been debating about upgrading trucks for awhile but now the wife went out and bought a 2012 grey wolf 28bhks. Told her if she got a camper it's time for a new truck.

I believe it comes in around 7800 loaded. Right now my '11 1500 does pretty well with it. I run about 2-25k going 60mph on flat hwy.

We rarely camp more then 50mi from home. Kind of on the fence if I really need a 2500

I don't know anyone with a newer 1500 that tows much for weight to know how they actually handle it.

I was looking at '14-'15s. I plan on putting helper bags on the rear to help level the load out a bit if need be.

With our previous camper we went out maybe 4 or 5 times a year.

Watching my tranny temp I ran between 190-205 through county roads and small iowa towns. 2.5hr trip speeds were anywhere from 55mph-65mph depending on the hwy I was on

My '11 is leveled with 33in 10ply tires so it's already moving some weight

Also the holding tanks were all full as previous owner failed to mention

The pic with my truck looks to be a little deceiving. I think the gas station had a bit of a dip where I was parked because the truck did not have near that much sag in it when Parkes elsewhere

  • No one complains because they have too much truck.
  • I have always believed that "if you need to add suspension aids, you need more truck"
    After saying that the real answer comes from a trip to the scales fully loaded ready to travel. Whether you travel 50 or 500 miles really makes no difference.