Gdetrailer wrote:
An AirStream just like any other trailer design, can AND WILL LEAK.
I have a 30 yr old conventional trailer that I rebuilt and as long as I do some simple maintenance to keep it dry it should go another 30 yrs.
Yes, an Airstream, like every other TT made, needs maintenance.
I realize that a manufacturer's claims are not to be taken too seriously, but Airstream claims that 60% of all Airstreams ever made are still on the road. Even if you cut that claim in half, that is still a truly remarkable statistic. Much more so that someone having a single 30 year old TT that is still usable. Is an Airstream as good as Airstream says? Absolutely not. No product is as good as the manufacturer claims. Is an Airstream likely to last much longer than an SOB (Some Other Brand) getting exactly the same type of care? Absolutely yes. Is it worth the extra cost? That is the opinion of the buyer. Obviously, for me and DW, it was. For you, it may not be.