Wally Byam and the WBCCI promoted these trailers and created a cult following.
Wally Byam was a marketing genius. He could have sold anything and done it well. When he began to sell Airstreams because they embody the freedoms that every American wants and then takes his customers with their Airstreams on ships to the pyramids in Egypt, India, Africa, and Europe to use and enjoy their Airstream he developed the cult like following. People loved it. What other TT manufacturer did that or even does that today?
When Wally touted that travel broadens a persons perspective on world issues, their horizons, make them essentially smarter than those that don't travel, and allows for all that to happen on his caravans it is no wonder he had the following that he developed. Airstreams were not just trailers -- they were freedom and travel to exotic places that folks might not have ever done by themselves. Wally was incredibly smart and understood what people wanted.
Unfortunately, the club is now wrestling with how to develop a following among young folks. Young folks that are not retired and do not have the time for extensive travel are less inclined to join the club. And young folks are almost totally not interested in dress codes or spending an hour or so debating and discussing a proposed amendment to the by-laws. The club needs to adapt to reflect the times or it will be losing folks and not picking up new ones. If Wally was still alive I am sure he would have a perfect incentive for the young folks to invest in Airstream and join the club.