Just ordered a new TT. In the past 13 years, I've had two gas class A's, two DP's, one fifth wheel, one class B, four class C's, and four TT's (not counting the one on order). All were purchased new, most special ordered. While obviously we have a problem with committment regarding RV's, they just don't all do everything well. Motorized RV's don't provide transportation at your destination, and towables are either too big when you're towing, or too small when you get there. Or you just see something that you think you'd like. One thing that keeps bringing me back to TT's is that they are so inexpensive compared to motorhome's, and they don't force you to put up with the wind noise, squeaks, rattles, thumps etc in a motorized RV. I'm really excited about this next TT. It will be easy to tow, has everything important (storage, separate bedroom, large bath and shower enclosure, 18' electric awning, light weight etc). While history would say otherwise, I always feel like the next RV will be the one. Like they say about second marriages: "The triumph of hope over experience". Regarding wives, I used to have this problem with boats. I began naming them "Patient Lady". Finally, I don't dream about stuff I can't afford. You probably feel you can afford the Air Stream without effecting your finances or your family's welfare. If that's not the case, then you shouldn't buy it. If it is, well then you could have worse habits.