I don't have one and never will because of one simple fact: When setting up camp, the inside is exposed to all the mosquitoes and bugs flying around. So if they are bad, you could spend some time killing them and even then you likely will find one or two during the middle of the night that you missed.
Whenever I see one, I think of the campground I stopped at in Kansas one evening with a travel trailer. When I set it up, there wasn't a bug around so no problem and we went for a 1/4 mile walk around the pond. About 1/2 way around as the sun neared the horizon, we could start seeing the black flies come out of the grass. By the time we got back to the camper, the shady side of the camper was completely covered with them and we had a swarm in tow. We stayed away from the door while one person ran up, unlocked it, then ran around in a large circle before jumping in. Then I would run by with one of the kids, my wife would throw open the door and I would throw the kid in as she slammed the door shut. Then I did the same thing. In the morning they were still around the camper and we had to repeat the process to get into the truck. I would hate to think of the mess we would have had with an Alaskan had we stopped a 1/2 hour later or the tear down in the morning.