Forum Discussion

Raften's avatar
Oct 04, 2015

Altamont Pass

I am happy to report passage over the pass is much improved. Last night in one of my all too often trips over it I kept it at the limit east bound and the surface is mostly new. A far cry from when the local paper reported a woman's car was totaled by her insurance company because of front end damage caused by a pot hole. West bound still needs finishing touch but much improved. So now instead of a white knuckle passage due to the road you can concentrate on the idiots around you both slow and fast.
  • Yes, a miserable road, glad to hear it is getting better. I always hate the first part of my trip to Yosemite!!!
  • Since all my trips over the pass are at night it was an eye opening day light trip two days ago. The wind machines are being removed and much larger ones are replacing them. Still not as large as the ones I have seen in Wyoming but big. East bound is still rough and the slow lane is smoother than the other lanes most of the way. East bound I am unloaded so dodging trucks in the slow lane can be dicey.