I still use 1 both in my semi and pick up although others that have them are dwindling. Only real time you hear a lot of chatter is when the weather is bad. If not for running w/ a buddy of mine whom we chat out/back if our times coincide, could run 300 miles and not hear a soul. At least on the trucking side of things, many companies have come out against having add'l electronics in cabs besides what the company has installed. GPS units okay. But with the advent of audio books, cell phones, satellite radio and laptops, I personally feel this has contributed greatly to the "demise" of CB's.
I agree w' the posters on the language use by some that it's not always the best for all listening. If in an area where CB use is often, one can hear/find out about a problem down the road long before you get to it and a way around it (not always) which a GPS may not warn you until your in it. Topics run the gamut by truckers and if you listen alot, you'll come to find out that they are very well versed and seem to have a better grasp on things than leaders of either a company or country etc. Sadly, there is a lot of name calling, foul language and "womanizing" to which is downright discourteous. Get past that and you can learn a lot.
Regarding the mounting of antennas on mirrors brackets, the brackets are made of stainless steel not alum. Most cabs are made of steel. But when it come to pick-ups, besides Ford, everyone else uses or has cabs made of steel. I personally use a K40 Trucker Magnet mount which is on roof just ahead of the center stop light. Has worked great in this location since '03. Am considering upgrading to a newer super duty which has the alum cab, thus my question about how to mount an antenna or where. I like the idea of the plate by center stop light, but what kind of stress will be added to the mounting area/holes/screw/bolts is what I question. Don't want to drill into roof. Plus if you have a center console in cab, that presents another problem as to where to mount the CB itself.
Thanks for the replies given.